Pralaya Yoga (Ancient Tibetan yoga + Science)

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 10 AM – 11:30 AM
Located at Camp:
Genital Portrait Studio


As the creator of Pralaya Yoga, Robert Boustany says, “The PRALAYA YOGA System is continually being optimized to help you develop maximum functional strength, reach the safe extremes of functional flexibility, discover the keys to the best alignment for your body and artfully define the areas that need the most attention. Pralaya Yoga was developed specifically to support joint longevity as well as to prevent and speed recuperation from the common problems in sports and daily life." On Wednesday at 10:AM, we'll gather at General Portrait Studio. Our 90 minute class will contain some lecture and some practice. When we finish, you're encouraged to explore their amazing and welcoming camp (Get pictures of your favorite body part, ice cold beverages, great music, Sea Dragon art car, aerial rig, and warm hugs). On our journey, we'll: 1. Generate Life Energy through Ancient Tibetan breathing techniques. 2. Find ways to Challenge your Body (safely). 3. Explore a dozen different ways to Increase Flexibility in a joint. 4. Discuss the usual cause of any Joint Pain (especially lower back) and how to Avoid/Fix the pain. 5. Compare and feel the effects of these sacred Pranayamas and Asanas in your own body. 6. Understand that Pranayamas are ENERGY exercises, not just breathing exercises. 7. Leave Energized, Elevated and Equipped with new ideas to explore. If you have a mat and/or block, please bring them. All are welcome. Advanced Yogis Encouraged! I promise to challenge you. Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. I look forward to showing you what I’ve learned from my amazing teachers. Please join us!