Free to Love

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Camp Contact in Anahasana Village
Contact Email:


Are you free to love? Free to experience the fullness of love that wants to be given and received from your heart- in this moment? And the next?

Embodied Intimacy is founded on the idea that relating is the path. All relationships, every shape and size, have the ability to lead us deeper into the mystery of who we truly are.

Where we are the most vulnerable, we have the strongest defenses. And it just so happens, we are the most vulnerable in our intimate and romantic relationships.

໑ How do we handle the strong instincts that kick in when we are triggered?
໑ What to do when we are overwhelmed and projecting our past fears on the future?
໑ Is there an alchemical relational process that makes gold out of led?
໑ Can we transform our wounds, the most ugly aspects in us and our protective instincts, into an even deeper intimacy?
໑ Can we unshackle biology and conditioning so that we can be truly free to love?

During this 3 intensive we will guide you through simple and effective ways to come back to love, to transform what keeps you small and to take brave steps into all that you are. We will use practices such as Belly2Belly and other Relational & Embodiment Practices.