Distaff Shatner

Date and Time:
Saturday, September 2nd, 2017, 12 PM – 1 PM
Located at Camp:


A William Shatner impression contest for WOMEN!


I don't know...we can probably be done within an hour, I guess.


Nothing. You might even win something.

Ladies, perform a fondly remembered James Kirk monologue. Emote for the ages as T.J. Hooker. Sing "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." Whatever you want, just as long as you do it SHATNERIFICALLY!

There'll be an Act-Like-Bill competition, a Sing-Like-Bill competition, and a Bloviate-On-A-Talk-Show-Like Bill competition. Laffs, fun, maybe even some prizes, all overseen by your favorite Seattle burner, Nogoodnik. I hope you KHAAAAANNN!!! come!