My Heart's Calling

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 8 AM – 9 AM
Located at Camp:
Naked Heart
Contact Email:


Find the courage to discover your calling; remove self-imposed obstacles and fears; embrace your potential; allow yourself to be your true self.
Have you found your calling in life? What gives you a sense of purpose? Are you living a life of your own choosing or one determined by others? Have you found your inner voice?
--The workshop begins with the leader sharing their own experience discovering their calling and finding the courage to finally pursue it;
--The participants are invited to get in groups of 2 or 3 to share their thoughts, experiences, fears;
--The participants are then invited to hold hands, form a circle of shared energy and safe space, and let the universe guide them…Om;
--Going around the circle, each participant is invited, if they choose to, to share with the group;
--Once gone through the complete circle, anyone else who’d like to share is allowed the opportunity to do so;
--The workshop ends in the circle, eyes closed, silent meditation or Om.