The Divine Masculine & Feminine Healing Circle

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Located at Camp:
Red Lightning


'The Divine Masculine and Feminine Healing Circle' is an event where the men of the playa are invited to step into their higher selves, and consciously hold the energy of the Divine Masculine. Josie Posie leads a ceremony where the women of the playa welcome the men lovingly at the entrance to the dome, inviting them to match the high vibration they hold. The dome becomes an Ancient temple space. The men then stand in a circle offering unconditional love and healing to the community of women who gather in the center. The women come for healing their trust of the Masculine and to receive their love. This is a hands-off workshop. There is no touching except optional hugging at the end. When men show up and become the pure presence of their Divine Masculine nature and truly witness, then women can relax into their loving Divine Feminine nature and fully become that love. As both polarities open to their Divine essence, we transmute cultural wounds in the collective feminine and masculine for all of humanity, co-creating a needed and beautiful new story of balance.