Playa Recipe Swap Meet

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 10 AM – 12 PM
Located at Camp:
Creation Nation! BRC


This is an open forum for culinary enthusiasts. Let us create a burning man gift together: a playa recipe cookbook! Join a relative newbie on a quest for radical self-reliance at her second burn; the quest for good-as-homemade food with no RV, a very long drive, and a small budget.

Let’s talk about food! Share in my journey from one week of nothing but military rations to setting up my first playa kitchen. Learn with me about frozen pre-made meals, dehydrated pre-planned meals, coolers, and home-made solar ovens. Teach me what you have learned about cooking on the playa, swap recipes and techniques. If I have had any success, we can also share something tasty from the solar oven!