The Bang Bang Bandits Bike Tour

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 31st, 2017, 1:30 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:
Camp Bang Bang
We will be meeting at Bang Bang and rolling out all around the back streets of BRC.
Contact Email:


Get on your bike and discover the suburbs of Burning Man, we are going to take all our camp members for a Bike tour of the back streets and we are encouraging our community to join us. We are going to reach out to different camps and create a tour map of different camps around The Playa. As we take our Bike Bandits around the Playa our goal is to stay between A & L Streets the whole time. Avoiding the easy pull of the Esplanade and The Playa, we want to appreciate all camps big and small and explore our city, as this is where much of the magic can happen.

Bring your best biker jacket, we gonna roll out!