Greatest Mutant Arts Parade

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Reverbia: Live Music Camp


The Greatest Mutant Arts Parade will launch its 4th consecutive year of parading an improvised route through Black Rock City and the Playa. Mutant Art Vehicles will unite to celebrate the unique and diverse spectacle that is Burning Man. The goals of the Greatest Mutant Arts Parade (GMAP) is to create a future planned route event...where Black Rock City can unite together in an uncensored, magnificent Meet and Greet of Mutant Art Vehicles, Theme Camps, BORG Organizers, Art Groups, Marching bands, Bicycle Crews, Stilt Walkers, and much much more. Look for the parade on its rogue route around Noon on the Playa, through the City...where??? We cannot tell you the route. But we will start and stop the parade at Reverbia Camp (3:45 and Esplanade) ****All interested participant vehicles and people who would like to assist...then ride in the us via email.