Are you searching for inner peace?

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Department of Peace
Department of Peace


Are you searching for inner peace?

If so, come visit the Department of Peace World Headquarters. We believe peace is a principle that can be learned through direct interaction and creative thinking.

We are mystics, creative problem solvers, ingenious puzzlers and well-oriented conversationalists on a pilgrimage to promote the 10 principles of Burning Man.

Our camp promotes radical inclusion through welcoming anyone and everyone who wishes to find peace including all race and gender identifications; encourages gifting by giving peace tokens to our visitors as a reminder to pass along their own peace to other BRC residents; honors decommodification by understanding that peace is not found through objects, but through human to human connections; teaches radical self-reliance by sharing tools and strategies to become your own SOURCE; celebrates radical self-expression because everyone should feel free to find their own path; commits to communal effort by understanding that our camp cannot function without the support of ourselves, the participation of our visitors, and having a home in BRC; observes civic responsibility through being a grounding source of peaceful energy for our neighbors and beyond; respects leaving no trace because we want BRC to exist long into the future and we also recognize humans greater impact on the world; practices participation each and every day we’re on the playa through offering our peace services to the residents of BRC; thrives on immediacy by facilitating a safe space for vulnerability between ourselves and our visitors.