Celebrate your 20+ years of burn with us!

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 9 PM – 12 AM
Located at Camp:
Yes Please
Yes Please
8 O'Clock & Eulogy


Celebrating 20+ year of Burning Man with you! Howdy fellow burners! I'm Whee-zel, and as a founding member of (Camp) Yes Please, I am honored to have playa-mates celebrating my 20 Year Anniversary of attending Burning Man. Of course, there’s no “status” in how many times a person attends this amazing experience, but it sure is a great reason to party with y’all, and why keep all this fun to ourselves? So if you are a 20+ year Burner (or know someone who is), you’re invited (and your friends, really… who’s gonna keep track?) to be honored and celebrated at Yes Please. Please come by, have a drink, tell a story or two and be acknowledged for your amazing Burn-ification however many years you’ve attended! Yes Please!