Re-birthing style Breathwork

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017, 7:30 PM – 10 PM
Located at Camp:
3:30 & D


Re-birthing style Breathwork - where your own breath is the medicine, and helps you access non-ordinary states of consciousness while working to heal and stimulate your mind, body and spirit. We utilize music, intention, ritual, energy work and guidance to help you access Source, your inner Divinity, your true essence of being. This transcendental breathwork guides you to awaken, to remember, to transform.

By breathing in a conscious, connected, circular manner, you are actively breathing life force energy into your Being; and, in doing so, you are inviting the intelligence that lives within the breath to dissolve, melt, release any blockages, suppressed and/ or repressed emotions and experiences from our past. In releasing the old, the stagnant, the unconscious patterning using your breath as your healing modality, you also then are open to receiving the “new” — new information, clarity, confirmation, creative expansion, and a whole host of possibilities based on your soul’s desires.

While some people use plant medicines to access these non-ordinary states of consciousness, we will only be using our breath in our session — nothing will be ingested other than deeply connecting with our breath. It is important that you are not under the influence of any substances during our time together.
Please bring an eye mask or bandana, yoga mat (or something to lie on), blanket(s) and a pillow. Please arrive on time as we will journey as a group.