Evolution Cinema Night
Outdoor screenings starting at Twilight
Wednesday night we will be showing cult classics that question our evolution and we are honored to present a new and challenging movie, "Fierce Light – When spirit meets action", by acclaimed filmmaker Velcrow Ripper. In Fierce Light Velcrow Ripper, filmmaker and spiritual seeker, journeys through the world exploring what Martin Luther King called “Love in Action” and Gandhi called “Soul Force”.
In exploring how lasting change can be motivated by love and realized in action, Velcrow interviews spiritual activists such as Thich Nhat Hanh, Desmond Tutu, Daryl Hannah, Julia Butterfly Hill, and others. Through his cinematic journey, Velcrow discovers what Paul Hawken (author “Blessed Unrest”) describes as the largest global movement in history – thousands of individuals and organizations connected by a shared commitment to compassionate, positive action. There is hope for our evolution.
Velcrow Ripper intends to be at Burning Man shooting footage for the third movie in his trilogy to be entitled “Evolve Dissolve: Another World is Here“. If at Burning Man, Velcrow will be on hand during the screening of Fierce Light – When spirit meets action.
Prior to screening "Fierce Light – When spirit meets action", we will screen “Humanity Ascending” with Barbara Marx Hubbard at twilight. This documentary features author and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard and offers a vision toward our birth as a new humanity – Homo Spiritus.
After screening Fierce Light we will then show Zeitgeist – the underground classic the banks don’t want you to see. Unfortunately it’s not your imagination or the drugs, the shadow government and banking system are really out to own you and the world.
For those who can’t sleep after watching Zeitgeist, we will screen the cult classic Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance (1982). This movie contains neither dialogue nor narration and is essentially a moving visual auditory poem that juxtaposes dramatic image