Buddha Bunny Enlightment Ceremony & Dance Party

Date and Time:
Thursday, September 3rd, 2009, 8 PM – 3 AM
Located at Camp:
The Buddha Bunny Camp
The Buddha Bunny
Contact Email:


Following this year’s blow-out Billion Bunny March, all bunnies will be going directly to the Buddha Bunny, a 21’ tall meditating rabbit sitting in full lotus near the Man. There will be a ceremony at sunset with original music, dancing, fire and performance, which will awaken the bunny’s 7th and final chakra bringing him to “enlightenment”. This enlightenment sets off a series of mind-blowing lighting effects incorporated in the art project, all of which are controllable by the Burning Man participants. To celebrate the Buddha Bunny’s awakening, we jump right in with big Disorient sound, dancing and cocktails.