Burning Lanterns Project

Date and Time:
Saturday, September 5th, 2009, 12 AM – 12:30 AM
Located at Camp:
Playa next to the man
Contact Email:


We are a coalition of unapologetic dreamers wanting to be the change we want to see in the world... we created this project to have fun and inspire people around us to dream a bit, get away from daily worries for a moment or so and hopefully leave a smile on their faces...

So here is the plan, we are going to Burning Man and we know many of our loved ones can not... It is considered good luck to release a sky lantern, and many Asian's believe they are symbolic of problems and worries floating away... so here it is, a simple way to send your worries away, your wishes to heavens, set your dreams free or reach to a lost loved one...

Post your messages to lost loved ones, wishes, dreams to our wall and we will write them on sky lanterns and set them free on 5th of September during burning man to heavens...

As you will see it will make you feel better and we will make world a better place one smile at a time...

Join us and post a message to our wall....

join us at Facebook