Beginner aerial hoop (aka lyra) class
Friday, September 3rd, 2010, 4 PM – 5 PM
Please join us for beginner aerial hoop (aka lyra) class. What is a lyra, you ask? If a trapeze and a hula hoop had a baby, the lyra is it. It's round, metal and wrapped. It can spin! If you have always wanted to fly, and never tried... If you have a desire to take hooping to a higher level... If you like curves, bored with tire swings, and your spinning class goes nowhere, this class is for you. Do you want to have fun spinning in the air making pretty poses? I'll teach you how to look and feel fabulous! Please wear tight clothing that won't fall in your face when you are upside down! Or wear your spandex long-underwear. I will try to have some skin tight t-shirts. The more your legs are covered the better you will learn from me. See you on top, Mandy Pants.