Sacred Geometry & the Chakras

Date and Time:
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010, 5 PM – 7 PM
Located at Camp:
Sacred Spaces Village
6th chakra temple


here do magical symbols come from? What do the lotus petals of the chakras represent? What does geometry have to do with consciousness? Why do we have chakras, and how can I work with them? How do I practically apply this metaphysical knowledge in my life? In this exploratory journey through the Ray of Creation, numerology, and the holographic nature of the Human Energy Field, keys to these and many other common questions will be revealed and discussed in depth. Discover how geometry builds the universe, and provides the framework for all of our experiences by creating containers for energy to flow in certain patterns. Learn more about crystals, dimensions, high-magic, telepathy, geomancy, astral travel, energy healing, and more.