Dance 4 Positivity / Color Wheel Dance

Dates and Times:
Thursday, September 2nd, 2010, 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Friday, September 3rd, 2010, 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Saturday, September 4th, 2010, 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Sunday, September 5th, 2010, 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Located at Art:
Bliss Dance
Bliss Dance
World's Largest Hug, Megatropolis

Description: /Dance Living Breathing Color Wheel©
Sharing Positivity thru Dance. WANTED:
Models, Photographers, Film Makers, Extras, Drummers, Dancers & those who love to pARTipicapte! Bring your veils, 3 yards of colorful fabric OR Donate CASH, your retired veils pARTicipate. Together, w/the colors of the palette, we R art. SPECTRUM of veils represents R community R world. Unite r bodies, minds & spirits through the ceremonial DANCE; This beautiful living loving breathing work of art BE THE BLISS Meet Thurs-Sun 10:30AM @ BLISS DANCE Watch 4 Worlds Largest Group Hug 4 other location Join TRIBE: BURNING MAN 2010 DANCE 4 POSITIVITY / Dance of the Living Color Wheel for last minute updates. May the spirit of POSITIVITY guide your heart, mind & actions.
-Patricia “Aishah” Rusich