Gay Toga Party & Mysteries of Dionysus

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 30th, 2011, 6 PM – 12 AM
Located at Camp:
Moonbow Camp
Moonbow Camp
Contact Email:


Toga! Toga! Toga!
Whether your'e Plebian or Senatorus, wear your fancy or bedsheet Toga and get intiated into the Lambda Delta Lambda Order of Faternatus of Moonbow camp at Burningman 2011.

A Rite of passage into the wider world of crazy college life that you never got to experience from the movie Animal House! But done the gay and Burningman way!!

...Brothers & Sisters are invited to attend and participate.Must be over 21. All other House mascots must be returned before the morning.

Be ready to drink beer, wear your pin, learn the secret motto and secret handshake. You must be hazed by one of our campmates and paddled to finalize your membership. Then Party and Dance to Spud's party fav college music & meet your fellow House mates.

At midnight, we'll be adding a mystical experience ending to the whole night's festivus; by introducing the Faternatus participants to the initiation of the Mysteries of Dionysus. A Solemn ending to the night with classical secret ceremonies and rituals. A feast and wine to share. Experience one of the most popular Ancient rituals from Greece and Rome.

Wear your Toga for admission and be ready for fun!