Fun with Fermentation Workshop

Date and Time:
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Camp:
Intention Dimension
Intention Dimension
Contact Email:


In this workshop we will show you how and why you should start creating and eating more fermented foods as part of your every day diet.
Fermentation is humanity's oldest art form, and as the times shift and change, and we return to a more sane food system, we will need to keep the ancient wisdom of fermentation thriving and evolving so we can meet our needs in the future. Not only is fermenting your own foods a traditional way of reconnecting with the earth through your food, but eating fermented foods is a powerful healing tool for our bodies. Plus, fermented foods are not only medicine, they taste incredible, and these processes are essential in creating some of the most pleasurable gastronomic flavors and sensations.
Come learn all about how you can start, or pick up some new tricks at this workshop.
This will be followed by a fermented foods tasting and potluck, so please bring your creations to share w/ other fermented foodie lovers.