Alchemy Gender Workshop Sunny @ Rites Of Zion

Date and Time:
Thursday, September 1st, 2011, 11 AM – 1 PM
Located at Camp:
Rites Of Zion
Rites Of Zion
Hive Portal
Contact Email:



The intention and purpose of the Alchemical Gender Circle is to increase understanding of the experiences we have as men and women, both with ourselves and with one another. This is facilitated by enhancing the capacity to listen to another’s experience and creating an intentional space in which we feel open to communicate our feelings. This was developed by me and influenced by the work of Avrom Altman. I have facilitated the circle in many diverse groups of people. Everyone from addicts in resident rehabilitation, parents of autistic children to art collectives and urban family tribes.


The process of the circle is in three phases. I am present to act as group facilitator and therapist. During the first phase, the women of the group gather to form a circle. The men in the group hold and contain them by forming a concentric circle around the women. Then the women are given the opportunity to speak about how they feel about

· Introduce themselves and what brought them here

· Their gender roles, both in their families and society.

· What romance and dating/partnerships means to them

· What they wish the men in their lives understood about them

The men are silent as they listen to the women’s process.

During the second phase, the roles are reversed. Without comment, the men and women exchange places and the men move to the center circle and the women hold the space in a circle around them. The men speak about their gender roles and the women in their lives as the women listen to the men’s process.

In Phase 3, both the women and men gather in one large circle and speak about what the experience was for them.