5 Energetic Intelligences & The Gifts They Offer

Date and Time:
Friday, September 2nd, 2011, 3 PM – 4:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp
4:30 and Coming Out
Contact Email:


NSA is a Re-Organizational Healing model that promotes strategies for living. We are moving away from the era of the Humpty Dumpty model: put everything back together again before "the event happened". We are finding this model no longer serves us as much as it hinders us from our Soul's Growth. In Re-Organizational Healing we find ourselves embracing " A Rite of Passage" with the experiences that enrich our lives and catapult us from the caterpillar in a cocoon to unleashing our Vitality as the Beautiful Butterfly! What if you knew how to access the gifts of all your "traumatic experiences" and transmute them into Aliveness?! Align your Body-Mind-Soul with enlivening tools to access your most profound sacred gifts to share with the world! It all starts by living in an organized structure that is congruent energetically and utilizes your strengths (gifts) Effortlessly!

We will be discussing the 5 energetic layers of the body: Life force, Emotional, lower & upper Mental, Soul, Spirit. We will explain how each of these layers relates to the spine and the gifts that each one brings and how you can access these gifts now. We will be giving a demonstration of the work and give you a Somatic Respiratory Integration Exercise to take home with you!