Merkin Pageant

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 28th, 2012, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Camp:
Orphan / Endorphin Camp
Orphan / Endorphin Camp
4:15 and Begonia
Contact Email:


A 'Merkin' pageant for both ladies and gents. The ladies pageant will be entitled "Annie's Fannies" and the gents "Gerkin Merkins".

The pageant will be open for entrants from both the Public and camp members. An appropriate prize will be awarded for the winner in each pageant.

Each pageant will be judged by a panel of 4 camp members, 2 gents and 2 ladies. The same panel will judge each pageant. On the grounds of impartiality the camp members chosen to judge will not be allowed to enter the pageant.

Each panel member can award points on a scale of 1-10 for:

Design, Implementation, Originality, Mooplessness.

In the event of a tie we ask the audience to cheer for their choice and the entrant with the loudest cheer will win.

During the event our bar will offer two speciality drinks. The combination of some of the finest beer and lemonade will be sold as 'Annie's Hand Shandy'. A suitable cocktail will be concocted and sold as 'Annie's Merkin Mix'.