Dark Side of the Rainbow Showing

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2012, 6:30 PM – 9 PM
Located at Camp:
Dr Le Tawdry Planet Earth
Dr Le Tawdry Planet Earth
Contact Email:


We have put together one of the best Dark Side of the Moon/ Wizard of Oz mashups you will ever see.
We researched and experimented with many albums to complete the movie. Be sure to stay to The End for
one of the most perfect synchronizations in the entire movie!

synchronize: To cause (soundtrack and action) to match exactly in a film.
synchronicity: Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related,
conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.

This mashup is a sublime example of synchronization and synchroncity.

Synchronicity bewteen albums and movies is relatively easy to find. Often times the mood of a musical
piece can be flexible enough to fit with many scenes in a movie. But in this case, the mood of
the various Pink Floyd albums across the course of the scenes in The Wizard of Oz seem to synchronize
with the mood of the movie perfectly.

Synchronization is more difficult to find between an album and a movie. Of course you can adjust the start
point of a movie to create artificial synchronizations but you would not necessarily expect many other
components to align. However, in this mashup you find absolutely amazing synchronized scenes. At the risk
of spoiling some surprises ... be sure to pay attention to the music and in particular the timing of the silences
after Dorothy's house lands in Oz. Also, pay attention to the ends of songs and note how more often than not
the song ends align with scene ends. The synchronizations is so tight it makes you wonder how this could ever be
conicidence. Was this designed by Pink Floyd? All band members vehemently deny this.

We will have some seating available but you also might want to consider bringing a chair/blanket/pillow.

The movie will start at 8:30PM (after sunset when full dark has set in.)