SynchroniciTea Workshop

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2012, 12 PM – 2 PM
Located at Camp:
Contact Email:


From Chaos to Cosmic Coincidence.

Grab a cuppa, say hi to Ouroboros and jump aboard the fractal express, a galactic voyage through the archetypes to infinity and back; from mythology to chaos theory. Follow the white rabbit on a journey through the mandalic world of cosmic coincidence, open the door to lady serendipity and invite her in for a pot of freshly brewed synchronici-tea.

Take a stroll into the infinite corridor of chaos and discover the self recursive nature of reality from humans to dark matter. This workshop will unravel the fractal geometry of our universe and allow you to witness the organic structures that grow straight out of the abyss - in the words of Douglas Hofstadter:

“It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.”

Just a coincidence? Our lives tend to orchestrate a storyline filled with bizarre synchronicities and connections seemingly beyond explanation, however most are unaware of the extent that our cosmos reflects this characteristic. Ever wondered why the moon and the sun appear to be the same size from Earth? From the atom to the solar system, in this workshop we take a look into the truly unbelievable level of serendipity inherent in our universe.