Dancing Freedom: Ecstatic Alchemy

Dates and Times:
Thursday, August 30th, 2012, 8 AM – 10 AM
Saturday, September 1st, 2012, 8 AM – 10 AM
Located at Camp:
Sacred Spaces Village
Sacred Spaces Village
Contact Email:


Dancing Freedom is a practice of liberation and embodied awakening. It is a somatic, ecstatic and shamanic dance practice supporting the emergence of living oneness. It is fun, engaging and empowering. It heals. It reveals. It welcomes. When we come together we come in peace to create a deep space of shared practice, transformation and community. We gather in ceremony to dance an elemental wave through earth, water, fire, air and ether to reclaim, transform & express the totality of who and what we are. The five Elements are the building blocks of our world as well as alchemical keys to the mystery of divine co-creation. In learning to attune to the elements we can harmonise the inner and outer dimensions of our experience and open to the depths and mystery of the sacred dance of life. As we invoke these primordial forces, they awaken the dreamer within who can assist us to create a deeper relationship to our Selves, others and our environment. Engaging our body, mind and emotions within the relational field is an active and imaginative process that opens the gateways of consciousness for real-time remembrance of our multi dimensional wholeness and unity.