Critical Tits Topless Bike Ride

Date and Time:
Friday, August 31st, 2012, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Camp:
Singer's Sandbox
Singer's Sandbox
The Man


Critical Tits- topless bike procession has been a life-changing tradition since 1996 and is an unforgettable high-point of the week for all women who want to have the experience of being celebrated as Goddesses,Sisters, Mothers, Daughters,or female members of the human race. The critical mass is thousands of women who proudly ride in this procession to create a wave of joy for themselves, each other, and the respectful bystanders who cheer them on their way.Please consider the privacy of the riders in this huge parade when tempted to take photos or videos without the women's permission.
Celebrate your creativity with artful decorations,glitter,paint,be yourself to the max! Fertility is the perfect theme to participate in this joyful event, or come out to the parade route and cheer the Goddesses on!
An unforgettable, life-changing ritual is planned at the end of the ride, don't miss it.

History of Critical Tits:
The ride started in 1996 on a day when the Critical Mass ride was taking place in San Francisco. Five of us painted our chests, got on our bikes and rode through BRC shouting “Critical Tits.” Women joined us and men bowed down. Each year since then the ride has more or less doubled in size. We had 5000+ riders in previous years.

Obviously something about the experience resonates with women. We are the largest gathering of women on the playa, and for many of us, the experience offers a meaningful connection to the power of female energy within ourselves and within our playa community.

Q: When is the ride?

A: The ride starts at 4 pm on Friday at the Man. Please respect the fact that the ride is for women and girls only.

Q: What happens at the end of the ride?

A: Each year, the ride ends in a different manner. The end-of-ride event is meant as an opportunity for women to connect with and celebrate each other.