Black Rock Scouts with Animal Control

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2012, 1:45 PM – 4 PM
For Kids
Located at Camp:
5:30 between D and F



Every year, thousands of bunnies run rampant during the Billion Bunny March. Animal Control diligently and humanely captures, vaccinates and tags bunnies, kitties and other wild animals during the March. Scouts and their parents will be trained on how to safely catch animal-human hybrids and will put their training to use at the Billion Bunny.

Scouts meet at BRS in Kidsville and should bring a blank red T-shirt to make into an Animal Control uniform. Bring a large fish net on a pole and carrots on a fishing pole (bunnies can’t resist). Scouts will walk to the meeting place on the playa, where training will take place on just before Billion Bunny.

About Animal Control:

Since 2001, Black Rock City Animal Control (BRCAC) has tagged and inoculated countless playa animals. Safety and security from wild and rabid animals are our promises to you. BRCAC also continues to act out all over playa with playful shticks you're come to love such as Pit Crew, Chapstick Commandos, Bad Idea Camp, and our quest to find the "Winner" of Burning Man with Trophy Camp.