Bboying 101

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2012, 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp
Stage Dome
Contact Email:


Open class with basic stretching.
Briefly explain the fundamental elements of B-boying.

Toprock is the foremost opening display of style and introduction to any move.

Footwork is movement on the floor with hands supporting the dancer as much as the feet involving variations using knees and threading limbs.

Freezes are stylish poses suspending the off the ground using upper body strength. It is often signaled the completion of one's set.

Power moves are acrobatic moves that require momentum, speed, endurance, strength, and control creating circular momentum. (advanced)

Flavor is about combining all the elements, learning musicality, and developing one's own style.

Last 15 minutes of class, all participants will join together in a fun dance cypher to let loose and show what they've learned.