Playa Jeopardy Game Show!

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 28th, 2013, 10 PM – 11 PM
Located at Camp:
8:30 & E - At Videogasm's Playa Theater in Snowflake Village
Contact Email:


Find fame and decommodified fortune sowing your seeds as a contestant or voyeur as Playa Jeopardy returns to BRC with the Cargo Cult Edition "If You Build It They Will Come." Featuring categories such as "Playa Players and Soothsayers," "Fertile Myrtle," "John Frum Likes to Cum," "Ann's Mitt Has Two Clits," and "Playa Habitual Rituals."

Past game show hosts have included Rev. Billy from the Church of Stop Shopping. Do you know how many times Larry Harvey has appeared naked? Will he be our host this year? We want questions to our answers. Time for error and trial. Live theme music by Snowflake Village's Burning Band. This is Playa Jeopardy!