Rubens’ Tube Fire Mantras with Goddess Crew

Dates and Times:
Tuesday, August 27th, 2013, 7 PM – 7:15 PM
Wednesday, August 28th, 2013, 7 PM – 7:15 PM
Thursday, August 29th, 2013, 7 PM – 7:15 PM
Friday, August 30th, 2013, 7 PM – 7:15 PM
Saturday, August 31st, 2013, 7 PM – 7:15 PM
Located at Camp:
Sacred Spaces Village
Sacred Spaces Village
Contact Email:


Goddess Crew perform a sacred fire and keep a real temple with real priestesses trained for more than 20 years. This fire ceremony is performed at exact sunrise and exact sunset.
They can give a demonstration and teach people to perform sacred fire. They will give out the ash as a blessing from Sacred Spaces Village 2013 burn.