Sign Language Interpreters

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 27th – All Day
Self Care
Rod's Road 4:30-5:30


Playa Terps provides volunteer sign language interpreters (certified and pre-certified) for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Burners to bridge the communication gap on the Playa and at )'( events. Our bulletin board is on Rod's Road between 4:30-5:30. There you will find a list of events, instructions and the sign up sheets for Burners to request interpreting services and interpreters to pick up assignments.

This is a volunteer group of interpreters who live all over the Playa. There are no promises or guarantees that we can find a match for every request. Our goal is open communication access for the interactive experience of )'( in a manner that is the culture of gifting.

For more info, please find our website at