CODAME on The Playa
CODAME on The Playa is an Art+Tech celebration that reaches out to the creative developer community on The Playa. Our mission is to bring together artists, technologists, and designers that push the boundaries of hardware, software, and physical/digital mediums for one evening to play and share. Our ultimate goal is to leave our participants and audience with one of the most unique Art+Tech experiences. In the end we would love to see a seed of inspiration taking bloom in someone’s eyes and diffusing creative digital glow through their entire spirit. If you think you've got that special sparkle in you to inspire others, looking for the ways to get inspired, or just want to play and hang around with like-minded people, join us on Tuesday, the 29th, after dusk at our camp Clusterf*uck United for the dimension of " code" me on The Playa experience.