How NOT to Meditate!

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 28th, 2013, 4 PM – 5:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp
Honeysuckle 'Hood village
Contact Email:


Did you ever wonder why you feel a nagging emptiness, even though you meditate every day? Think you may be missing something, or maybe .. hitting something that isn't there? Wonder why everything is harder now that you've started to meditate?

You're probably NOT meditating! Or at least, you're not being told what is NOT meditation! For centuries, techniques that have been used successfully on eastern type folks seem to be falling flat in The West, and there are some questions you may not have asked, or had answered. Join Zyg, a veteran of Not Meditating, for a talk and workshop on How Not to Meditate. Mediation cannot be discussed, but only experienced.. Zyg hopes to steer you into an authentic understanding of Meditation, and of sitting, standing, or whatever else you may be doing that is not meditation. Especially Meditation.