Maturing Masculine Intimacy Potentials-For Men

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 26th, 2014, 12 PM – 1:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp temple dome
Contact Email:


There are essential, innate masculine qualities that we can intentionally access, develop, embody and transmit, hidden potentials that enhance and deepen intimate relatedness. In this Experiential Crucible we will delve, inquire and explore to discover and develop our Intimacy Navigational Mastery. What do women yearn for from us? How do we ground our own systems to both hold onto and express our desire, passion, strength and truth, especially in the face of intense beauty, emotionality and irrationality of the feminine?

1. Mastering Arousal States, emotional and sexual

2. Being a Steady, Stable Conductor amidst the chaotic

3. Transparency: balancing containment and disclosure

4. Purpose, Presence, Patience and Potential

**2 workshops:

1st men only, 2nd women welcome included