The Greatest Mutant Arts Parade Experiment

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 10:30 AM – 1 PM
Located at Camp:


The Greatest Mutant Art Parade Experiment- Come experience the trial run for next year’s hopeful launching of an annual 2015 Greatest Mutant Arts Parade. This sample parade will feature 25-50 art vehicles and include other unique marching groups of macabre and curiosity…bells and whistles…pomp and poop. The Parade route will begin on the Playa at 10:00 and G…continue across the Playa in front of the Burning Man…and end on the Playa at 2:00 and G. The achieved goal is to have a meet and greet parade to introduce many of the art vehicles, theme camp organizations, and collective artists for public recognition and interest. Support your local future parade! For Parade information please contact Doug of Reverbia at The Greatest Mutant Art Parade Experiment Facebook page…TBC.