The Wedding of Meatloaf and Tinderfoot

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 2 PM – 3 PM
Located at Art:
Temple of Grace
Temple of Grace
Contact Email:


Crash our wedding! You didn't have plans anyway. Vows will be crowd-sourced, so no crowd = no vows. Bring your mom.

Tinderfoot & Meatloaf are unionizing and would do anything for love.

Procession from the Center Camp keyhole to the Temple of Grace, departing at 1:45 PM. Musicians, dancing bears, cheesy Elvis impersonators and all other dust bunnies welcome. Hippies with a drum fetish encouraged to lead the procession.

Inquiries, suggestions and wedding party applications may be directed to Tinderfoot at Lamplighter Village.

Seriously, bring vows or we have to pick them from the Cards Against Humanity deck. And bring your mom. And Larry Harvey.