Starry Starry Night, Black Rock City

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 11 PM – 1 AM
Up in the skies
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During Burning Man 2013 I looked up at the sky on Wednesday night and saw only the very brightest of stars with the great majority of them washed out by the lights of our city in the desert.

I contrasted this in my mind with the first year I came to the play and "Instead of going to sleep I sat in the door of my tent and just let the
glorious light of ALL THOSE STARS wash over me. I could hold my hand out and see a clear shadow on the cracked and fizzured playa, from the stars alone."

Our art project for Burning Man 2014 will be to enlist the active cooperation of approximately 68 thousand other burners as "co-artists" with Creation to turn every non-essential light in the city OFF for two hours on the night of Wednesday, August 27th from 11pm to 1am on the 28th.

Then, everyone can look up and share with me the wonder of our sky there at Black Rock City which most have never seen. To borrow a phrase we'll all be able to "take a trip and never leave the farm."

We may not succeed fully or at all but it's fun and cheap to try : ).