That Sounds Crazy! How Are We Skillfully Holding a

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Located at Camp:
3:45 Espheseus
Contact Email:


Our worldviews often include a diversity of understandings the dominant culture considers crazy. How do we let in increasing amounts of the invisible? How can we keep breaking open and not break? How do we balance revelations and responsibility, trust and urgency, collapses and courage? And what skillful language and methods have we found to share these sacred, genuine, crucial, crazy things so that we don't alienate potential allies, and grow solidarity across the shifts?

Joshua Halpern, MA is a transformation ecologist, an artist-activist-educator, and an edge jester. Josh will guide us through a co-creative, somatic-shamanic, love and justice minded, serious-fun forum for exploring these questions together.

Josh has facilitated workshops around transforming homescapes for a half decade, has worked in local food justice for a decade, and has been sharing the earth through art for over two decades, all over the world. His work can be found at and he can be reached at [email protected].