The Stars Speak, We Listen

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 9 PM – 1:30 AM
Located at Art:
Black Rock Observatory
Black Rock Observatory


9:00 PM- *Hottest On The Playa*
Denise Kaisler- Astronomy professor
Come check out what the world looks like in infrared light.
9:30 PM - *Makers in Spaaaaace*
Jerry Isdale- 30+years as Software Engineer turned to more general Maker
The Maker Movement has blossomed along side the Playa culture. We are helping it address humanity's long-term survival and expansion into Space.
10:00 PM- *The Junk Above Your Head: All About Space Debris!*
Shanna McIntyre- Aerospace engineer
Causes, effects, accuracy of the movie "Gravity," and the many very cool solutions being developed
10:30 PM- *Black Holes and Bent Space*
Matt O'Dowd- astrophysicist
The biggest telescopes in the universe consist of entire galaxies acting as gravitational lenses. We use them to study black holes. Cool, huh?
11:00 PM- *The Mythology of the Constellations*
Anthony C Lanni
A discussion on the constellations and the stories from Greek Mythology that gave them their names
11:30 PM- *The Secrets of the Comets*
Michael Risch- Professional star guide and observatory builder
Rosetta probe approaches a comet. What may these wanders in space tell us about ourselves?
12:00 AM- *Cosmic Archaeology*
Debbie- cosmologist and recovering particle physicist
A discussion on the history of the Universe, and how that has a direct influence on us today. What is everything is made of? Where it comes from? and why is it so important that we understand the mysteries of Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
12:30 AM- *New Horizons Space Craft*
Katie Bechtold- Operator of New Horizons spacecraft
Katie will discuss her experience as an operator of a spacecraft headed for Pluto followed by a Q&A
1:00 AM- *Astrobiology- the search for life on other celestial bodies*
Ianina Altshuler- Ianina's background is in Environmental Science
The talk will introduce astrobiology, describe what analog cites are, and summarize the current and planned missions that are will look for life outside of Earth.