Sex, Spirituality, and Pain

Date and Time:
Saturday, August 30th, 2014, 12:30 PM – 2 PM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Chakralicious Camp
Contact Email:


We are at a critical time in human evolution where these aspects of ourselves can no longer be separated. They are the cornerstones of our existence, the elemental factors that have come to determine our life’s quality. These aspects of ourselves continue to speak louder and louder and we are NOW unable to turn a false eye.

We want deeper sex and intimacy!

We have a deep burning desires for passion and creativity, eroticism and the unknown!

We want to give and receive love more powerfully, more receptively!!

We want to fully heal any wounds or past traumas around receiving love.

We want to feel healthy, alive, and vibrant!

And yet, we so often leave our bodies in search for something more.

As pain continues to rise at an exponential rate in our working class society we are uncertain how to use one of our most powerful energy forces in our body, our sex, our dan tien, our bodies inner wisdom and guidance to heal us. We remain disconnected from these forces!

We desire to capture those moments of extacy, those moments where the divine enraptures us and our central light explodes and penetrates through us, releasing the forces of the mind and the controlling locks held in the muscles of our bodies.

This workshop will incorporate Feldenkrais techniques focused on opening up our 2nd and 4th chakras and reconnecting to our bodies, as well as group and partner interaction and discussions.