Space Cowboys Black Rock Hoe Down

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014, 10 PM – 10 AM
Located at Art:
Sunrise Saloon
Sunrise Saloon
Contact Email:


The Space Cowboys are putting the band back together. Cue the music montage as the Unimog rolls from village to camp to backwaters junkyard to recruit the heavyweights of Playa legend for yet another run for the ages. This fleet will be more rag tag than Battlestar Gallactica’s; it will throw down more funky radio waves than Convoy; it will bodily propel you through the deep playa night and on through till morning leaving you lost and found and lying on the ground.

Ya, we’re getting the band back together, so soundcars assemble! We need you small and big, shiny, loud, fiery, and funky and our own Tamo ([email protected]) will help you circle your wagon with ours.

MV Confirmed:
-The Unimog
-Sil-vi Bojon
-Dusty Rhino
-Garage Mahal Ganesh
-Love Potion Amphora
-The Dodo
-Airpusher Collective
-The Nutz Bed
-Cloud Nine Mutant Vehicle
-The Front Porch
-The Mirage
-The TIE Fighter Art Car
-Apis Inlusio
-The Church of El Pulpo Mecanico
-Mars Rover
-The Angler Fish
-Gunther the Sky Bison

And if, come Wednesday night, you find yourself wandering lost and Space Cowboy-less in the dark… Well then, read the damn location for the event you crackhead.