Clashing With Cash

Date and Time:
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015, 10 AM – 11:30 AM
Located at Camp:
Chakralicious Camp
Contact Email:


Money Shadows: Creating Abundance by Dancing with The Unconscious.

The Playa is a magical place where the gifting economy reigns. Yet, some of us spend big bucks preparing and getting to Black Rock City. So, even here money talks even if we pretend not to listen.

Still some of us struggle off the Playa with not having enough, wrestle with “it is never enough” or believe financial issues are too taboo to explore out loud,

Perhaps for the first time, we will really listen to the voices we hear in our heads or the ones we don’t even know exist which block us from creating abundance and banishing scarcity.

So, in a safe and supportive environment come sing with your shadows, dance with the almighty dollar and wake up to where you are financially so you can return to your life away from Burning Man ready to make money your ally and not your enemy.