2016 Black Rock City Air Guitar Championship

Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 31st, 2016, 8 PM – 10 PM
Located at Camp:
FreeStyle Palace
Esplanade & 6:45


2016 Black Rock City Air Guitar Championship - Esplanade & 6:45

Each performance is played to 1 minute (60 sec.) of a song
The 60 second song will be provided to you from a list of 100+ tracks to choose from
The instrument must be invisible & be a guitar, i.e. air drums not allowed
Air roadies are allowed, but must leave the stage before the performance
Back-up bands (air or real) are not allowed

Black Rock City Air Guitar contests each consist of two rounds:

Round 1 (freestyle): each competitor performs to a song of their choice from the list
Round 2 (compulsory): top competitors from round 1 perform surprise song

The jury is a panel of independent judges. The results of the jury cannot be protested. All performances are scored on a scale from 4.0 to 6.0 – 6.0 being the highest possible. Scores are given to one decimal point (e.g. 5.4, not 5.48). A single score is given to each air guitarist based on their overall performance in that round.

The score reflects the quality of the performance based on three key criteria:

1. Technical merit - You don’t have to know what notes you’re playing, but the more your invisible fretwork corresponds to the music that’s playing, the better the performance.
2. Stage presence - Anyone can do it in the privacy of their bedroom. Few have what it takes to rock a crowd of hundreds or even thousands – all without an instrument.
3. “Airness” - The last criteria is the most difficult to define yet often the most decisive of all. Airness is defined as the extent to which a performance transcends the imitation of a real guitar and becomes an art form in and of itself.

Please note: the scores from BOTH ROUNDS are added to determine the contestants’ final scores. This combined score determines the winner. Earn the title of Black Rock City Air Guitar Champion!