Autogenic Training-heal our mind&body

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 31st, 2017, 5 PM – 6 PM
Camp Contact in Anahasana Village


Autogenic Training (AT) involves repetitions of a set of visualizations that induce a state of relaxation. AT has been shown to be an effective tool in preventative medicine, stress-related disorders and panic attacks. It can relieve tension, lessen anxiety, and enhance performance. As the world's first western developed mediation technique, AT is a neurological and psycho-physiological tool or therapy for psychological and medical self-healing.

AT takes you through a series of validated and prescriptive mental exercises that target specific physiological reactions in the brain and body that underpin optimal health and well-being. Through the power of self-suggestion you are taught how to consciously and intentionally control your Autonomic Nervous System. AT is for anyone who wants to benefit from gaining the self-help tools to manage stress in the present and to develop long term strategies to reduce stress and anxiety. It is also of benefit for qualified or trainee psychotherapists who wish to gain a deeper trust in their relationship with 'self' and for those in the caring professions who want to learn new techniques for self-care. The technique was developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz and first published in 1932.

Each session can be practiced in a position chosen amongst a set of recommended postures (for example, lying down, sitting meditation, sitting like a rag doll).On a micro level of regeneration, Autogenics retrains cells, glands, the brain and organs to behave as they are ‘meant to’, that is, to work in harmony and to restore the natural order. We are now coming to understand AT’s role in neuro-plasticity, gut health, epigenetic modulation and the placebo response. The future for AT world-wide in becoming a mainstream therapy for the self-regulation of body-mind healing and optimal functioning is exciting!