Jazz Funeral For the Man

Date and Time:
Sunday, September 2nd, 2018, 2 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:
Black Rock French Quarter
Black Rock French Quarter to the Man


We invite all of Black Rock City to join us in our march from the French Quarter to the ashes of the Man, and back. A smaller procession will continue on to the Temple with remembrances. The mood is joyous, humorous, melancholy, sultry, and respectful, all at once. It is a time in which we honor the dead by living life to the fullest. Before the parade, there will be an impromptu brunch in the French Quarter, and everyone is encouraged to bring whatever they would like to cook or share. Musicians are all welcome to join the main line. Mutant vehicles and other participants are all welcome to join the second line. If you are not bringing an instrument, feel free to bring libations or hydration to support the march.