Protecting the Inner & Outer Goddess

Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 28th, 2018, 4 PM – 6 PM
Located at Camp:
Naked Heart


Learning to create inner protection for the sacred feminine within to call forth the sacred masculine from within to embody the sacred human. We will be gathering as a tribe of souls interested in serving the re-balancing of humanity and the evolution of culture as we know it. A core component of this balancing is finding inner relationship with our feminine and masculine natures. Due to the cultural context we have been steeped in for several thousand years, the inner feminine has been suppressed, oppressed, dishonored, and ignored and is in need of protection and healing. Our inner masculine is equally wounded by patriarchy due to the degree of emotional suppression and all the violence the male body carries within it towards the feminine within and without. While both sides of our inner essence carry wounding, when we create a masculine container that provides safety, physically and emotionally, it allows the inner goddess to come to the surface and bring healing to the inner wounding that have been suppressed and not given adequate medicine for their healing. As the inner feminine heals and unfolds into her goddess form, it invites and empowers the sacred masculine to rise forth from the wounded masculine into partnership with the sacred feminine as a more integrated sacred human. The workshop will focus on the inner dynamics of this process and how it can be supported and empowered through community and collective spiritual practice. Please join us for this sacred ceremony of integration and healing of the masculine and the feminine within and creating new grooves in the societal grid by engaging in such radical relating.