Crypto based Universal Basic Income

Date and Time:
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 3 PM – 4 PM
Located at Camp:
Contact Email:


Bitcoin, DLT, Blockchain, Ethereum, Dash, Solar, MESH, 3D Printing, Monero, Zcash, Digital, Nomad, AI, Currency, Future, Dark web, Anarchist,Libertarian,Seasteading, MAPS, Health, Dental, Sovereignty , dogecoin, IoT, Revolution, Cybersecurity, Democracy, Money, Ledger, Eos, crypto ,Bitcoin, ethereum, humanitarian, blockchain, blockchainforgood, blockchainforimpact, education, microfinance, environment, sustainable, development, grassroots, social impact, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, digital currency, technology, introduction, non-tech, tech made easy, regenerative, solutions, resource token, community, food, sovereignty, seeds, prosperity, abundance, self-worth, alignment, purpose, Sidechain, LIghtning network, Magic, Identification, Psychedelic, Manifesting, Collective, Shamanism, collective consciousness, Governance, Banking, Money, Law, #blockchain4good, crypto economics, Tokenized, proof of stake, distributed ledger, consensus, global, permissionless, transparent, transparency, DAO, humanitarian, blockchainforgood, blockchainforimpact, education