Humorous Presentation: “Robots: Friends or Foes?”

Dates and Times:
Tuesday, August 28th, 2018, 8 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday, August 30th, 2018, 8 PM – 8:30 PM
Located at Camp:
Robot Art at the Oasis
Robot Art at the Oasis
Iron Giant and 6:15
Contact Email:


Stop by the Robot Art at the Oasis camp for a fun and fascinating look at how humans have both worshiped and reviled robots. Do you think Rosie the Robot or Commander Data from Star Trek were the robots you should be worried about? Think again my friend – Artificial Intelligence is already managing your life. Stop by to find out more – and stay for a cocktail as we open the bar! Our presenter is an accomplished speaker that presents on many topics during Modernism Week in Palm Springs and at his monthly Salon for the Parched.