Tiny Dirty Secret Burn

Date and Time:
Friday, August 30th, 2019, 11:45 PM – 1:45 AM
Located at Art:
Tiny Dirty Secret
Tiny Dirty Secret


Come enjoy the best and most magnificent burn on the playa. This year, a very different type of burn is happening. Tiny Dirty Secret is the third installment of a trifecta of art pieces. Little Dirty Secret in 2017 and Big Dirty Secret in 2018. Rather than going big, it's going to be the smallest burn in Burning Man history. Don't be confused by the smallest burn being something that isn't that cool, because that isn't the case. In fact, it's going to be a really badass fireworks show, a great colored fire that will impress most, and gas mines to excite even a seasoned pyro!. It is sure to be a spectacle you don't want to miss!

The reason behind this is some of the big pieces of Art are as big as some people's Egos. Not that there is no love for the big art, but this year it will be shown that even a small piece can be as badass as ever and a big Ego can be left at the door. Bye Felicia!

So this is the callout for all of you to come and enjoy a fun burn, that means YOU!. Friday night at 11: 59 p.m burn time, come early and get a front row seat! Mark it on your calendars, show up and support something great!

Find TDS on the playa during the week and fill out a Dirty Secret card, drop it in the slot. This is a way to anonymously let go and lift the burdens and secrets you hide within. These are things that weigh us down and hold us back from living life we want. Come release yourself, and let go of that shit!

Also, bring your Mutant Vehicle, Fire Spinning awesomeness and help the cause, the more the merrier!

See You at the Burn!