The Shocktail Lounge

Dates and Times:
Monday, August 26th, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Thursday, August 29th, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Friday, August 30th, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Saturday, August 31st, 2019, 12 PM – 2 PM
Mature Audiences
Electric Sheep + Shots for Shocks


Open daily, The Shocktail Lounge is the cornerstone of Electric Sheep’s event schedule.

The Lounge: Weary travelers are invited to relax in our sumptuous and elegant space. Stop by the bar and grab a lovingly hand-infused liquor or a hand-crafted drinking vinegar. While away the hottest hours of the day with shade, booze, and conversation.

The Conversation: By kinksters, for kinksters. Curious about kink, non-monogamy, consent, or sex-positive culture? Enjoy the company of like-minded people? We’re always excited to share stories and advice. Depending on the day, we may have tastings, discussions, or ad hoc classes on kink and sexuality.

The Invisible Maze: You can’t see the maze, but you’ll feel it! Gird your loins, build your courage, strap on a shock collar and try to navigate your way through to safety!

Adults only! 18+ to hang out and play. 21+ for alcohol. We ID everyone!

Special Events:
Zappy Hour and Kinky Advice (Mon, Wed, and whenever we feel like it): Have an electrifying experience! Cattle prod shocks and delicious shots. Enthusiastic participants will receive our limited edition stainless steel shot glass as a reward for their bravery. Next door will be our renowned Kinky Advice Booth - our advice may not be good, but it’s always entertaining!

Bacchanalia (Tues): Wine for the wine gods, sex for the sex gods! Calling all hedonists to this decadent display of deviance and debauchery. Togas REQUIRED

Compliment Bukkake (Thurs): Swing by for some consensual compliments given by our unlicensed professionals! Step right up and we’ll shout affirmations until you tell us to stop!